Keeping your tractor well-maintained and functioning properly can go a long way toward helping it last longer and perform better. Unfortunately, not all tractor owners know how to take proper care of their machines, and that’s why Bobcat® of Fort Wayne has created this list of tractor maintenance tips. 

1. Consult the Owner's Manual

Start by reading your owner’s manual. It will contain all sorts of valuable information about maintaining your tractor, including what tasks need to be performed, when to perform them, and which products are safe to use. 

2. Radiator Fluid

Taking care of your tractor’s cooling system will help prevent it from overheating. You can do this by regularly checking the coolant levels and topping them off when necessary. If you notice that your tractor is going through coolant at an unusually fast rate, start checking your coolant levels throughout the day. You may have just discovered a deeper issue that will require a service appointment to fix. 

3. Engine Oil

Engine oil lubricates your tractor’s internal components so that they don’t scrape against each other and cause damage. When it is time to check your oil, run your engine for a few minutes, shut it off, and then wait a few more minutes before going in with the dipstick. If the oil appears sludgy or discolored, replace both the oil and filter. If they both look fine, simply top off the oil. 

4. Tires

Try to keep your tractor’s tires within the manufacturer-recommended range. If you’re not sure what the manufacturer recommends, you can usually find the recommended range on the manufacturer’s website, in your owner’s manual, and on the wall of the tire itself.

In certain situations, you may want to adjust the tire pressure to match the task at hand. For example, adding extra pressure to the tires will give your tractor extra grip on paved roads and other sturdy surfaces, while decreasing the pressure will make tilling easier. If you plan to haul a heavy load, add more pressure to just the rear tires for a smoother experience. 

5. Fuel

If your tractor is idle for more than a week at a time, you should add fuel stabilizer to the tank. This will help prevent water from separating out of the fuel and causing damage to your engine. If you have a supply of backup fuel, be sure to add fuel stabilizer to it as well.

To shop our selection of new and pre-owned tractors, visit Bobcat® of Fort Wayne online or in person. We operate four locations, including Fort Wayne, IN, and we also welcome our customers from Indianapolis, IN. We hope to see you soon!